Idea Heroes

  • Illustrator

  • Photoshop

  • Adobe XD

Idea Heroes is a collective intelligence mobile application. Its purpose is to be able to share ideas and projects between collaborators and to be able to give its opinion on it by voting or exchanging thanks to the comments.

During this project I realized the logo and the icon of the application declined on dark and light support.

Idea Heroes collective intelligence app logo and icon

Game and app logo

The logo is accompanied by the product mascot that you will find in the application. Being an application of collective intelligence I started on the creation of a robot to represent it.

Research and the final design of the Idea Heroes mascot, the collective intelligence application

Idea Heroes mascot, research and final design

Within the application, each user creates their account and can choose an avatar representing it. Different avatars have therefore been created to give choice and personalization for each user.

Some avatar designs for Idea Heroes, the collective intelligence app

Some avatars of the Idea Heroes app

Subsequently, I designed the login screen for the mobile version of the application.

UI-UX Design of the login page for the Idea Heroes collective intelligence application

UX-UI Login page design