Furious Bounce

  • Illustrator

  • Photoshop

Furious Bounce is a breakout-type 3D video game. This is a new generation floating hocket game for mobiles and tablets, developed by Furious Studio.

For this project, I created the game logo, the application icon available in Android and Apple as well as the studio logo.

Logo and icon of the Furious Bounce mobile video game and logo of the Furious Studio

Furious Bounce Game Logo and Icon, and Furious Studio Studio Logo

After 7 character design as well as their vehicles were made in 2D, with animals as the basis, at the request of the customer. Each character had to have a different design. Design research was done for each character with different viewing angles to allow 3D production for the "Ingame" part. Also illustrations complement each character with his particular power were made.

Concept art of the Lynx character with research and final design for the mobile video game Furious Bounce

Concept art of the Lynx character with research and final design

Illustration of the lynx character with his special power for the mobile video game Furious Bounce

Illustration of the Lynx with its special power

All characters from the Furious Bounce mobile video game

All characters from the Furious Bounce mobile video game

The game interface was also created by me. I started with a cartoon style and colorful enough for the interface so that it corresponds to the world of the game.

UI / UX design of the main interface of the mobile video game Furious Bounce

The main interface of the Furious Bounce mobile video game

UI / UX Furious Bounce mobile video game daily rewards interface design

The daily rewards interface of the Furious Bounce mobile video game